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Fluidised Hopper Aeration (IFHA)

Aeration Flow-Aid Kit:
IBS aerators are used on hopper cones as a flow aid. The flow aid kit is offered as a package solution to promote discharge by utilizing compressed air, providing an ideal solution for applications such as cement, milk power, coal, dust and many other materials.

Aeration Flow-Aid Kit & FHA System Overview

1.Aerator will conform to canoe on cylindrical vessels
2.Power in (adjustable)
3.Filter regulator
4.Air Entry Compressed Air Supply
5.Pneumatic push air line
6.Adjustable pulse sequence timer box


IFHA units include the following features:-
Materials that can be conveyed include

  • Silica based material which is abrasive resistant
  • Compact and easy to use for all cone installations
  • Suitable for powder and granules
  • Capable of working in temperature range of 400C to 1200 C
FHA Overview:

The fluidised hopper aerator (FHA) when fitted to hopper cone is a flow aid designed to inject compressed air into the vessel cone and break up the frictional forces which allow material to hang up and prevent flow.
The FHA can be mounted on the cone in various configurations allowing either consistent use or in a pulse phase mode by the use of suitable sequence control unit and solenoid valves.
The FHA must not be used with full line pressure and a filter, pressure regulator must always be included. Pressure regulator must be set slightly higher than operational pressure.

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